First Name
Last Name
Business/Organizations Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Requested Location
Location requests will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis. Green paces are limited. Please note that for the pergola space, you will be provided with one (1) 8 foot table and your display must fit within the 8 foot space. If you need a larger space, a second booth may be purchased. For the green space, you will be given one (1) 10x10 foot space. This space does not include tables, chairs, or covering (i.e. tent) and cannot access electricity.
Green Space
My application is for
A $50 discount will be applied to applications that are submitted and paid for before April 15, 2025.
$100 - Early Bird (before April 15)
$150 - Regular (after April 15)
What kind of business/organization are you?
Selling goods/services
Providing information
2SLGBTQIA+ Non-Profit
If you selected other for business type, please specify here
Briefly describe what you sell or what service you provide
Do you require a table?
Pergola location only. If left blank, it will be assumed that a table is not required.
Do you require access to electricty?
Please note, if you require more than 40 V of power (example: large machinery/food prep), you will need to find your own accommodations.
Electrical outlets are available on a limited basis and a $25 fee will added to your final invoice. Vendors are responsible for providing extension cords/necessary supplies on the day of the event.
Do you consent to Lethbridge Pride Fest using your name/logo for advertising purposes?
I consent
Do not include us in advertising please
Queer 101 Information Session
Our marketplace and food truck vendors are required to attend a free Queer 101 Information session to uphold our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space.
Those vendors who have previously attended a Queer 101 Session are not required to attend another session, though it is greatly encouraged! Lethbridge Pride Fest Society maintains a list of Queer 101 attendees.
Sessions will be organized and scheduled by Lethbridge Pride Fest for late May and/or early June. Every marketplace and food truck vendor will be contacted ahead of time with the date, location, and time of each session.
Yes, I have previously attended
No, I have not attended before
Help us promote Pride 2025!
Please email me graphics for social media
Drop off poster(s) at above business address
Are you participating in the Pride Parade?
This will help us with planning and scheduling for the day of for those who are participating in the parade and marketplace!
Yes, I have submitted an application
Yes, an application is forthcoming
I have read the Pride in the Park Vendor + Food Truck Agreement in full and confirm that I have understood it prior to submitting my application. I am aware that by agreeing to this acknowledgement, I am waiving legal rights to sue for damages which I, my next of kin, executors, administrators, and assigns may have against the released parties.
Thank you for your submission! If your application is accepted, you will receive an invoice via email in the next few weeks.
Due to the influx of emails that we receive during June and the lead up to Pride, please wait to email questions, comments, and/or concerns until (1) your invoice has been paid, (2) you have reviewed the Pride in the Park Vendor + Food Truck Agreement.